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People of Pronto, Meet Allie

Woman smiling with kids.

Inspiration from our Studio Community

This month we meet Allie, 34, Mum of 3 kids (under 6) and business owner. We asked Allie why Pilates is such an important part of her life now.. and of course how she manages to fit it all in!

Ready to dive in? Keep reading!

With all the demands that come with running a business and taking care of your family, why is incorporating Pilates into your routine so important?

After a cancer diagnosis in our family in 2022 and several other factors, I made the decision to “work smarter and not harder”, and I resigned from a demanding healthcare job and started my own business.

In making the decision to work for myself and concentrate on the “why” around this lifestyle shift- it was important for me to find a way to build exercise into my daily rhythm of achieving children’s school commitments, managing my clients and still prioritising my own health and fitness.

Pronto has been such a blessing for me and is now part of my weekly routine!

In what ways have you noticed improvements in your physical well-being since joining our studio Pilates classes?

Pronto affords me the luxury to fit in a workout several times a week in between the juggle of meetings and appointments!

I play tennis and have definitely noticed an increase in muscle tone and core strength, which have improved my overall tennis game.

How has Reformer Pilates contributed to your overall stress management and self-care?

Running a business and having 3 children can sometimes feel like life is like being on a hamster wheel, but Pronto has been such a gift with the efficient class length and the number of classes that are available every day for me to choose from.

Any tips for newbies

I feel better in myself after exercising, and it’s a non-negotiable for me to manage my mental health with regular physical exercise.

As the saying goes – just do it, you’ll be so thankful you did! You’ll love it.

I will forever be a fan of Pronto!

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