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Revive Your Workday: Desk Stretches for Energy and Focus


Ever spent hours at your desk feeling tense? Wrist pain, sore necks, slumped shoulders – sound familiar? Time for a quick fix: desk stretches! These simple moves can zap stiffness, boost energy, and make your workday a breeze.

We often find ourselves sitting tense at our desks in front of a computer monitor for hours. Our wrists start to hurt, our necks get sore, we slump over in our chairs and our shoulders and upper backs feel tight.

Here are some stretches to do at your desk to reduce tension. Try them now:

  • Shoulder Stretch
    Lift your shoulders up to your ears until you feel a slight tension in your neck and shoulders. Hold for 3-5 seconds and relax shoulders. Do this 2-3 times at first sign of shoulder or neck tension.
  • Neck Stretch
    Tilt your head to one side, trying to touch your ear to your shoulder. Hold the stretch for 10-20 seconds and then return to normal. Repeat the stretch on the other side.
  • Spine Stretch
    Raise arms over head. Stretch your right hand to the ceiling and hold for 3-5 seconds, while you exhale. Relax. Repeat with the left hand.
  • Lower Back Stretch
    Place your hands on the edge of your desk and roll your chair back. Lower your head between your outstretched arms and arch your back while you exhale. Inhale, raise your head and arch your back in the other direction.

Do these exercises whenever you first notice the tension or stress from impending deadlines or long periods of sitting. While they’ll never take the place of your chiropractic adjustments, they’ll help keep you alert without resorting to caffeine or a sugar fix.

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